Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"A woman who changes her hair, is about to change her life..."
-Coco Avant Chanel

I know I already posted today, but because I was unable to post yesterday, I felt I had to make up for it.
So, yes... I changed the hair color. I think I had imagined in my head a little more... BUT, it worked out since I hit a few speed bumps the day we did it.  So it worked out in my favor (thank goodness).  Here are some pics... I tried to take them from different angles...for those who aren't local.  Well.. even if you are local, I still haven't seen anyone. HAHA

As far as changing my life goes.  I'll leave it up to my readers, my friends, and my family...

I do know that I personally, am in the process of changing.  And if I change, I'm assuming my life is definitely going to change.  I currently feel like I have no strings, no obligations, no hopes and maybes for the future, no what-ifs.  I feel... right now... at this moment in time, at this point of my life... whatever happens, happens.  I'm up for anything right now that has anything to do with change!  I've always looked at my future, and have tried to plan it out - "If I get this car... I could eventually pay it off, and it will be great when I eventually have kids."  "If I move here - I would probably be able to get a loan, and actually buy a piece of property, fix it up, and could totally rent it out to to people to have events."  I'm done looking ahead, and am now a "what the hell, take a chance" kinda girl. 

I mean it.. I applied for a job today in San Francisco.. that's how much I mean it. lol And to be quite honest, it's a job I wouldn't have even applied for a couple months ago.  It really doesn't have much to do with the industry that I want to be in... but just the thought of the possibility, the change in location, moving there on my own, the change in work, the change in my day-to-day life... I thought... What the hell?? What the hell do I have to lose? So I applied. lol Now if I get a call and they want to interview me... I may freak out... with excitement.. but I have to admit when I hit 'submit'... I panicked for a short second.  Cause that's something I wouldn't normally do.

Out with the old Val... In with the new.  Some may like me, some may not... buuut... I really could care less. lol I've already voiced to a few people, that I'm done wasting my time and being sucked into other peoples drama (hence the deletion of my facebook account), I'm done waiting around for people to decide whether they want/need me in their life, I'm done feeling like I'm being walked on and taken advantage of, and I'm done being the girl that's easy to read, that wears her heart on her sleeve, and will drop anything and everything for anybody.

So... I'm about to change my life.  And decided a new hairstyle was necessary. =) 


Jackie said...

this post was quite a good way....but I laughed!

I LOVE that you applied in San Fran..its one of my favorite cities! If you get the job maybe jeff will actually take me there!! haha.. you know ... so he could see his *friend*

love the hair too..I was picturing more too..but I like the way it turned out.. you look amazing in your pics too! doing great val! doing great!

Val said...

Im glad you thought it was funny... I was trying to be funny is a smart-ass, but serious way. ;) I've never been to SanFran... so I would need a "tour guide". haha! Thanks for the compliment!

Ashlie Cunningham said...

Finally caught up on your blog. ;) I love your hair and your new outlook on life! It is very weird that we often share the same feelings on life at around the same time. I am very excited for you in your pursuit of change. I have been making quite a few changes myself this year. If you ever need to talk to someone that is not directly in your life with a no judgment kinda girl email me! :)