Tuesday, February 22, 2011

"The third and final ten days of Virgo (which I am the last day) falls under the decanate of lovebug Taurus - pure, 100% U.S. prime, baby. You're extremely sensual, sexual, and irresistible. You might be wearing a business suit, but your lingerie is totally naughty.

Yours is one of the lusty, "touch me" triad of Earth signs, made up of Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn. You like to feel, touch, and hold things before you buy them. You like valuables to be in the right place. It makes life so much simpler and less stressful. Only another Virgo can truly understand this.

You're also a wild and crazy member of the mutables: Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. Maybe not the most consistent people in the zodiac, but only because of annoying life interruptions. You know it works: You hate to disappoint, so you agree to plans that screw up your schedge. Eventually you're re-smashed against the wall and cant possibly honor all the promises you've made. So you hate yourself. Typical mutable behavior.

Because you're a die-hard rescuing, quality-control, perfection-just-aint-good-enough kind of gal, you struggle with the meaning of life, pretty much on a daily basis. "Why the hell am I here? Why am I not perfect, taller, thinner, richer, smarter, and utterly adored?" You bash your head against wall after wall, trying harder than just about anyone else to work magic on people and situations that refuse to cooperate. Darling, stop trying so hard."

Conquer The Cosmos: Use The Power Of Astrology To Attract The Man Money And Happiness You Deserve
by Bridgett Walther

I've been using the "OCD" excuse for years... liking/wanting things in the right place, liking/wanting things a certain way... it just makes my life easier and less stressful... HAHA! But being the "perfection-just-aint-good-enough" kind of gal isn't something to be proud of either...
This segment doesn't leave me much to talk about... cause I don't feel like commenting on the naughty lingerie, or how my sign is one of the "lusty, touch-me" triads.  Or how I'm part how my sign is one of the "wild and crazy" ones along with a few others...

Think I'll just sit back on this one, and feed off the last line... "Darling, stop trying so hard."
If only it were that simple. ;)

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