The People I Talk About Most....


My Daddy

My Madre

My Sister (#1)

My Brother

My Sister (#2)

Us 3 Girls

The Featherstun Family

More Featherstuns... My older brother and sister, plus my neice & nephews

The Entire Fam-Bam (Featherstuns, Elders, and Hannas)

The Grandparents

All of the cousins (lined up by age)

Me & Cindy (one of my aunts)


Me & Tristan

Me & Ashley

Me & Lauren

Me & Bobby

Me & Josh

Me & Sonny

Me & Christopher

Me, Ali, & Jackie

Me & Nicole


Sonny, Me, Lauren, Ashley, Corrina & Christopher @ Lauren's Wedding

Awww... they're the bestest!

My "bitches"

"Cousin Bowling Night"

"Elementary School" Friends... Tristan, Shannon, Me, & Kristal

"Pams Pink Ladies" - Revlon Walk 2010
Again, thank you to my friends & family who helped support me as I built this team to walk for my Mommy.
Thanks to those who walked with us, and thanks to those who donated!!