Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Career and Money

"Many of you are extremely creative and musically inclined. Because you know that no one can exceed your high standards, you're better of running your own business than being a tiny bureaucrat in a huge bureaucrracy.

You also have a keen interest in health, medicine, and cutting-edge surgical intervention, so alot of you become doctors, thereapists or nurses.

You're a stickler for organization, sky-high standards, excellent service, and on-time delivery. You can be a very demanding boss, tough on your staff, but your customers love you. They know that you'll always make good on your guarantees.

Be very cautious in business and finance. Just because an investment adviser comes highly recommended doesnt mean he wont make mistakes that erase half of your savings. Keep an eye on how your money is handled. Dont hesitate to squawk when you see something on a report or invoice that doesnt make sense. Ask questions and dont hesitate to move your money elsewhere if you arent being treated respectfully and honestly."
Conquer The Cosmos: Use The Power Of Astrology To Attract The Man Money And Happiness You Deserve
By Bridgett Walther

Being my own boss...?  Check.
Feeling that no one can exceed my expectations...? Check.
Keen interest in health and medicine...? I used to want to be a nurse, so that counts. Check.
Stickler for organization...? Double check.
Excellent service...? Check.
Demanding boss...? Check, check. (lol)
Customers love me...? DUUUUUUUUUUUHHHHH!!! =)

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