Sunday, February 20, 2011

1.  So, I started off the week dropping my car off... AGAIN!  I told him, okay... for reals... I need my car by Thursday cause I have customers to see... so I had Bobby drop me off Wednesday after work so I can get my car... Nope, car wasn't ready, the owner said he'll pay for a rental car for me to drive Thursday cause of the rain and the weather... the caulk and paint weren't dry and he didn't want to risk it.  Blllaaaahhh!!  So I got to drive a Jeep Compass around on Thursday.  Thursday went and picked up my car, and it looks good!!  Woohoo!!

2.  Early mornings + me = no bueno.  Being carless, I was able to get a ride from Josh to work Tuesday and Wednesday morning.  The bad thing... he starts work at 7.  I normally start work till 9. ugh!  As much as I was glad to help him out by gracing him with my presence in the morning (was totally sarcastic, everyone knows I'm not a morning person lol), but unfortunately those early mornings made me a little bitchier and more tired than normal...
3.  Every other Thursday I have a couple customers I go visit.. in Pomona, Santa Ana, and Anaheim.  Thursday morning had been an emotional morning for me... being tired from the lack of sleep the nights before (cause going to bed late, and being at work 2 hours earlier than normal), stress, and other little things (that I can't seem to stop caring about).  But Thursday made me laugh.. one minute I'm listening to a song in the car and start crying.. then the next minute I'm falling in love with a guy who works at one of my customers shops. HAHA!  I had told one of the boys at work about him.. and he asks me.. did you talk or you just admiring?  I laughed at myself again, telling him.. I don't have time to admire.  But this guy made sure to introduce himself, and made a couple comments... I'm hoping these customers get busier and I have to start seeing them every week... and I'm thinking if I get there earlier.. I might have a better chance of seeing him. LOL  I've been visiting these customers for a good year now, and have NEVER seen this guy... sorta makes every other Thursday a little more exciting. ;)

4.  So, only a few people know.. but Thursday I experienced something I do not wish upon anybody.  I'm a little uneasy about writing about this on my blog, but.. I write about my life and what I go through, so.. what the hell.  I have nothing to lose.  But Thursday I had a "cryosurgery"... (a surgery only girls can have).  Without going into too much detail and grossing out any men who might read my blog... I had parts of my cervix froze because of abnormal cell growth (precancerous cells which can lead to cervical cancer).  Coming home, emotionally stressed and uncomfortable... I'm telling my parents and grandparents about my "experience" after the surgery... telling them about the dizziness, blacking out, not being able to move, open my eyes, or hear.., totally drenched in sweat, and having my hand spazzing out cause I was trying to text... they are all thinking that it was a panic attack.  And this probably wasn't the first one... ugh, no bueno!

5.  Friday (day after my procedure), being at work uncomfortable all day - I treated myself to Golden Spoon when I got off... cause yogurt always makes me feel better...  so I went home, made myself comfortable (as comfortable as I can be), layed on the couch and started watching all my shows on the DVR... and in walks Robby!!! YAAAAAY!!! :)  Haven't seen him in 2 months, and again, realized how much I had missed him. Then Bobby came over for a bit, waited for me (patiently) while I got ready (which nothing felt or fit comfortable given that I still had a yucky cramping feeling)... and we drove over to TGI Friday's to meet his friends for some drinks. :) Couple drinks later, the cramping was gone.  Mission accomplished.

6.  The weekend consisted of trying on wedding dresses (not me, but Stephanie lol), picking up and dropping off my car to get serviced (all of my car work is officially done now!), being in Borders for hours... (looking for books, and then standing in the verrrrry long line that went around the entire store).  I got a couple of amazing books that I'm soooo excited to read and post about.  A lot of them have quotes, so I'm sure you'll be reading some of my favorites pretty soon.  I did come across an astrology book, and reading the chapter on "Virgos"... I laughed at how real it was, and how weird how dead on it is.  So this next week, everyday I'm going to post an excerpt from that chapter, and will most likely write about it afterwards.  It's more fun for me... not sure if it will be for my readers.  But if you do read it... hopefully it will give you guys a little more insight on the person I am.  :) 

7. One of the books at Borders, I didn't buy it... but Melissa and I really enjoyed it.  It was a birthday book, and you go to your birthday and it tells you about the kind of person you are (was a zodiac/astrology type of book).  Under my birth date, it stated: "Good things come to those who wait, and sometimes the most important thing you can do is sit still.  Take a break in your 24/7 marathon of activities to relax at home or spend some time daydreaming."  This is the 3rd or 4th thing I've read this week that has said something along those same lines... a couple books, a devotional that was sent to me... siiigh.. think its time to actually listen?  I did take a picture of part of my "birth date page" - this is why...  Vegas?? Hmm... I think sooo!!!!  :)

Hope you all had an amazing week.  I feel my "bad luck strike" is ending... and things are looking up.  Of course I have my bad/emotional/depressed days... or hours.. lol... I'm not bipolar I promise... but one hour I can be crying, the next falling in love, or laughing. lol  I'm just going to blame it on my thought process.  When I have time to myself.. that's when I start thinking.. which leads to no good.  So, I'm finding by staying busy.. and now by reading... I wont have time to take a trip down memory lane and upset myself.  So... things are looking up... and I'm moving forward.  :)

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