Saturday, February 26, 2011


"You believe in idealized romantic love. Heart-pounding movies, music, stories, and locations where legendary trysts occurred - thrill you. As breathless and exciting as movies and stories are, your first love (the one you cant erase from your mind or get over) is even more intense. When you decide to give your heart to someone, its a very big deal. You know you're taking the risk of being hurt but are so swept up in the moment that you bravely push ahead.

Most of the time, you're wary, observant, and even dismissive of someone who doesn't meet your lofty standards. The only exception to this is when you fall crazy in love. You suspend doubt when love hits you like a baseball moving at 140 miles an hour. All of your careful plans are put on pause. Because you are so willing to give up everything for the man you love, you must be especially careful about the ....
Conquer The Cosmos: Use The Power Of Astrology To Attract The Man Money And Happiness You Deserve by Bridgett Walther

About the?!?! About the what?!?!? Yes... here is about the time that I lost the rest of this segment.. UGGGHHH!!!  So I bought the book and am waiting for it to come in the mail... GRRR!  You have no idea how frustrated I was when I realized that I missed the ending of this chapter.  =(  Frustrated because so much of this chapter had been true.. I desperately wanted to know the rest.. and I'm waiting VERY impatiently for my book to come in, just to read the rest of it. lol

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