Thursday, February 24, 2011

Friends and Family
"You've felt responsible for your parents' and siblings' happiness since your early childhood. With each passing year, you pile more friends (and obligations) onto your aching shoulders. For some reason, you suspect that you had something to do with their problems. It doesn't take much for you to feel shame or disappointment with yourself when there is a slight risk that you may have let down a friend or family member. You'd rather chew off your own foot than hurt a family members feelings. Even the thought of it is unbearable.

Extremely protective of friends and loved ones, you may put yourself at risk while defending or watching out for nieces, nephews, or Grandma and Grandpa. A strong sense of duty and obligation is tattooed onto your soul. You cannot rest until you're convinced that everyone is fed, happy, healthy and safe. That's a tall order.

To make things even more difficult, you insist that things are done right and on time. Before you even get started on a good deed, you're already in panic mode, worried that you might screw up or disappoint someone. Most of the time, the only person who gets disappointed is you. You expect so much of yourself - far more than your friends or family do.  They're so grateful just to have you around. You've got to start acknowledging your good qualities, instead of obsessing about your mistakes. You are an extremely compassionate person who needs to be more protective about your own needs, feelings, and comfort.

Instead of making excuses for friends or relatives who say rude or insulting things to you, speak up. Tell them that anytime you feel the need for their comments and opinions, you'll ask for them. You'll score a self-respect victory for yourself and shock the rude insulter into silence."
Conquer The Cosmos: Use The Power Of Astrology To Attract The Man Money And Happiness You Deserve

By Bridgett Walther
This one hit home a little bit... especially about having to start acknowledging my good qualities, instead of obsessing about mistakes, the bad, and the ugly.  I can honestly say, that I used to rather help other people with their needs and feelings, and shrug off my own.  There's the stubbornness in me, the stubborn part that doesn't admit that my feelings and needs need protecting.  But the last month or so.. the "soul searching" I call it... maybe because I was let down, maybe because I was hurting - but I'm putting myself first.  And by doing so, I feel guilty.  I hate to admit that also.  Why do I feel guilty...? I'm not too sure.  What do I feel guilty of...? I don't know the answer to that either.  It's just that feeling of guilt in the pit of my stomach... Maybe cause I feel that I'm not putting others before myself..? Or maybe cause I actually feel that I've let go... that I've let go of that obligation of making sure everyone is okay, making sure everyone knows I'm here when they need me.

For those important people in my life... you know I'm ALWAYS here when you need me.  For those of you not so important... well, I'll be here for you when I feel like it.  Depends on the day. ;)

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