Monday, February 14, 2011

"I don't understand why Cupid was chosen to represent Valentine's Day. When I think about romance, the last thing on my mind is a short, chubby toddler coming at me with a weapon.”
-Author Unknown

As for most of you know, Valentine's Day has NEVER been a day that I liked.  EVER!  Some people think I'm full of crap, and just say that I feel this way because I'm "single".  Do you know how many times over the years I've heard "oh just wait, as soon as you have a "boyfriend" on Valentines Day... you will totally change your mind."  BULLL SHHHIIIITTT!! (Excuse my language).  I will tell you all now, and you will see... when I'm in a relationship with someone, trust me when I say, I will tell him... if he gets me ANYTHING or does ANYTHING on Valentines Day... we are definitely fighting.  I say this with 100% seriousness and sincerity, that I am truly one of those people who HATE Valentine's Day.  I do not pretend, and will not change my mind once my relationship status changes.

My reasoning for hating this day?? I'll give it to ya...

1.  I, for one, believe that I deserve to be told "I love you", deserve to be given flowers, deserve to be taken on a date any given day of the year.  .

2. Valentine's Day is a day FORCED to be romantic with your "significant other".  If I want  to be all lovey and mushy with someone... I will be when I want to be.

3.  PRESSURE!  I'm not taking the guys' side whatsoever... but so many women have set such high expectations for Valentine's Day, that I'm sure men feel pressured to say things and do things.  Why force/pressure them into saying/doing something... let them do it on their own, when they are ready!  I don't want to feel like a guy has to feel he needs to buy me jewelry or flowers because of the date, because it's "February 14th". I want him to buy me flowers or jewelry on his time... when he feels like showing me how much he cares/loves me, when he feels that I "deserve" them.  (Which deserve is NOT the right word, but I was stumped.. cause I know I deserve them everyday) ;)

4.  I'm a spontaneous person.  When it comes to love, I don't think ANYTHING should be planned (except a wedding, and maybe the proposal).  I believe in being surprised, I believe in 'spur of the moments'... so when there is a day such as today...(V-Day)...  when more than half of the population is planning a "special" dinner or a "special" night...  that's not spontaneity.  That's doing what the rest of the world is doing... how special is that?? I'd rather not expect getting flowers delivered to work, I'd rather not expect to come home to a romantic dinner... I'd rather not expect jewelry, or chocolate.. or whatever else people expect these days...  I want to be surprised.  I don't want to do what the rest of the world is doing.

SIIIIGHHH... I feel better.  That was a good vent.  I apologize to those if I've offended anyone who enjoys today.  If you enjoy today, that's your prerogative.  It's your life... you like what you like, and I don't make any judgements to those who do all the cliche Valentine's Day stuff.  This is just how I feel... and I don't expect anyone to feel that way I do.  I've run into a few guys who share my same views... unfortunately, they're not around any longer.  So I'm on a mission... to find someone with a short last name, and find someone who hates Valentine's Day as much as I do - who wont' do anything foolish and piss me off on February 14th.  lol  Wish me luck!! ;)


Eldridge McFadden said...

I agree. But the Candy is usually pretty decent!

Jackie said...'re looking for someone with a short last name???

Val said...

@Eldridge... I can do without it! ;) lol

@Jackie... Umm yaaa hello?!?!? Try writing/signing Featherstun everytime... so many ppl say they stop midway.. Valerie Featherosfsfjnsvdsfushvidsfnsdfoij


Anonymous said...

Go Val go!!! :) Tell it like it is friend!

Anonymous said...

I SO agree with you! Add Mother's day to it! We're mothers 365 days, not one! (grams)