Friday, February 11, 2011

"God will never take away something without giving you something better in its place."
-Author Unknown

I've been receiving cute little stories & devotionals from one of my besties lately.  This quote was in one of the stories she sent me, and I really liked it.  It's funny, nice and ironic that when she reads things (though we haven't talked in forever and she has no idea what's going in my life) she thinks of me and forwards them to me.  She'll send funny stories, at a time I need to laugh.  Or she'll send me inspirational pieces at a time I need a boost, a pick-me-up, or at a time I need to be reminded that everything will work out the way God has planned.  She sends them at exactly the moment I need it most. I don't know how she does it.. but I'm glad she does. :)  She sent me an email this morning, that actually made me tear up... Reassuring me that this process I'm going through.. focusing on myself isn't selfish but necessary - that I may wander for a bit figuring out what it is I'm doing or supposed to be doing, and that this feeling will eventually pass. I know this... but it helped to have her there reassuring me.  Sometimes we all need a little reassurance to keep on track, to keep us from completely losing it... or at least I do. ;)

She sent me a couple verses and a quote she's used since high school:

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
Joshua 1:9

"We should all be, fearless kids"
-Author Unknown

I'm sure there are things I do "fearlessly"... but of course I can't think of any.  One thing she said was live fearless in knowing that God has a plan and the only fear you should have is in Him, and Him alone.  So she inspired me to do so.  I'm going to try... try to live fearlessly.

Thanks Jac for being an amazing friend, and for being you!!  Love you!!


Jackie said...

(Well since I'm making up the Like button on blogger...I'll just change it to a LOVE BUTTON)

I teared up a bit when I read this blog knowing it was about me :) (must be the hormones..hehe) Love you

Jackie said...

oh and the author of "we should all be fearless kids" is me...lmao :)

Val said...

Awww... I didnt mean to make you cry! I'm sorry!! But, you helped me a lot the other day, whether you knew it or not... so you definitely deserved a blog all to yourself. :) Love you, & miss you always!