Sunday, February 13, 2011

1. Dropped my car off on Tuesday to have my door fixed.  The body shop was busy all week, so he had my car for 4 days (picked it up Friday), and the only thing that was done was the dent was bent out so it wouldn't make that funny noise when I opened and closed it.  So I get to drop it back off on Monday for him to finish it.  Did he not realize how much of a pain in the butt it is to be without a car... umm hellloooo?!?!?

2.  Is it sad that with everything going on... I realized this week it had been a little over a month since I had got my nails done?? Umm.... that is sooooooo not like me.  So I got my nails did this week... and they ended up being SUPER cute!

3.  Had to recolor the hair this Monday.... I realized red was gonna be a bitch to keep up.  The red ended up not being so bright, and was more of the deep red I was looking for (after the 2nd time coloring it)... but still to this day while washing my hair... the water is still red on my shower floor. Scares me knowing more red is still being washed out... UGH!!

4.  STAGECOACH!!  Cindy has been trying to talk me into getting an all weekend pass for Stagecoach which is at the end of April.  I've been debating for the last month, and thankfully my boys' girlfriends listen to country... so they've been listening to country the last 2 weeks at work... sooo.... Bobby and I bought our Stagecoach tickets this week.  Sooo excited!  I've never been to a country concert before, and think it's super cool to go to Stagecoach for my first "country" experience!  So now I'm on the hunt for cowboy boots! ;)

5.  Can't tell you how great it was to spend a Friday night reading Spiderman, Jack and the Beanstalk, and some A.D.D. book about a Moose and a muffin to my lil "nephew".  :)  I loved having my Cosmo taken away and London crawling up on the couch with me asking me to read him books.  Melted my heart...  After that and having dinner... we decided to watch a car or 2 on fire on the 60-fwy... We got to watch the ambulances and firetrucks trying to make their way through the ridiculous traffic, got to watch them put the fire out, and we think we might have saw them carry someone out of the car... but we're not sure.  We tried to take pictures... but we all sat there in awe... we hope we were wrong and everyone got out of the cars...

6.  Spent Saturday at Uniquely Elegant Attire, Deborah's Bridal & David's Bridal with Steph, Mom, and Missy while Steph tried on wedding dresses.  Went home, hit the gym... then decided to meet my boys for a drink at Applebees.  But I decided to give the boys a show before we went into Applebees... I had a cop following me from Central & Edison... all the way to the Applebees at the Spectrum.  His lights never went on, but when he followed me into the Applebees parking lot, and once I parked, parked beside me... I knew it was no bueno.  I guess the cops lights weren't working... so he was just gonna follow me to wherever I was going...??  So last night I received my very first ticket in my new car... BUMMMERRRR!!!  Is it sad that I wasn't upset, and just laughed?? Even afterwards, in Applebees talking to the boys about it... all I can do was laugh.  I was thinking "yup, go ahead... add to the 2011 shit list!"

7.  I reverted back to a kid today... while skating in Skate Express... I desperately wanted to be a little kid again.  Without any problems, without any worries... siiighh.  But was definitely fun, one of the highlights of my week, plus I got a workout out of it. =)  Between skating, a little retail therapy, and some bitch therapy... today was a pretty good day. 


Cindylou said...

yay!! I made the Sundays Seven again... well, you didn't mention my name with Skate Express but it was because of me that you were there and I skated with you!!! lol.. it was fun! We shoulda gone out there sooner :) Thanks for coming!!!!

Cindylou said...

Wait!! I was in the stagecoach one too!!! Yay!!! I love being involved in your stuff! lol!!!! Love you!

Val said...

HAHAHA! You're such a dork! I'm bummed, just found out today Lauren's baby shower is that Saturday... =(