Monday, January 10, 2011

"Tis better to have loved and lost, than never have loved at all."
-Alfred Lord Tennyson

This is one of those bittersweet quotes...
 In one sense, you lived a portion of your life loving someone.  Someone who was worth your love, someone who was worth your time, someone who was worthy of you.  You had opened up your heart and your life to someone... and loved.  In another sense, you lost it.  Whether it was a bad/mutual breakup, it just wasn't working out, divorce, death, etc. ... either way, the person you had loved, is no longer yours.  And eventually you have to move on without this person... without this person who, at one point, meant everything to you.

None of us like getting hurt, none of us like losing someone we love or having to say goodbye.  I find it ironic how most of us in some situations put up a guard, or take the safe road so we don't have to put ourselves out there to potentially get hurt, or to potentially set ourselves up for failure or rejection.  When it comes to love, a lot of us are more reserved, those who have a guard up... all they have to do is meet one person who can break that guard down, and they're willing to take a chance and risk their feelings, and risk their hearts - and increase the possibility of losing someone and getting hurt, just to experience what love would be like with that person.  I guess, you as an individual - before taking a leap of faith, before falling head over heals, just have to decide whether that person is worth it.  Whether you think it will work out in the end or not, you make a personal decision whether it will be worth the hurt/pain if something were to take a wrong turn, and it not turn out to the be the perfect picture you imagined it to be.

Some people look back and regret they've ever loved someone.  Some people look back and think how they could have ever loved someone like that person.  But I wonder if they look back, and think how different they would be without experiencing that love?  How different would your life be?  Do you think you'd be as strong as you are today?  Do you think you'd know what you want and what you're looking for if you never loved that person at all? Life is too short to live with regrets. That person was put in your life for a reason, if it wasn't meant to be... then it wasn't meant to be.  And what's meant to be will always find its way.  But to have loved and lost... you learn from it, and you grow from it - and you become a better person. I guess I can say I'm one of those people... I'd rather love, than to never have loved at all.


Anonymous said...

So, your last paragraph got me. I am one of those that did finally realize that even though it was bad... I am who I am because of someone I once loved. It shaped me and made me stronger!! During it, I wasn't the best person and looking back I don't like who I was. BUT... I am who I am now because of it. Experiences have made me appreciate, love and respect so much more of my life now :)

Love you my philosophical niece <3 <3 <3

Val said...

You were actually my inspiration for that last paragraph. =) Love you too!!