Sunday, January 2, 2011

Quote of the Day & Sunday's Seven

So as some of you know, I've been contemplating on what exactly I want to "blog" about... rather than when posting only when something exciting happens.  As some of you know because of facebook, I'm addicted to quotes. 

I love finding and posting quotes - whether they be quotes from a movie, a book, a line from a song... whatever it may be -- So.. I figured I'm going to TRY to post a "Quote of the Day" - some days I may just post the quote and leave it up to you to take it however you want... or somedays I may actually want to discuss it. =)

A friend of mine also suggested some other fun things... but one I think I may stick with is "Sunday's Seven."  Every Sunday I will write about 7 things that happened to me that week.  Until I find something I'm really passionate to write about. I think I will stick to these fun little ideas, until I get bored and figure out what else to do! =)

And I'm pretty sure for all of you who will be reading this, please feel free to comment on any of these posts!  I'm always up for a discussion! ;)  I believe you do have to register a "login" name, you do not have to have a blog to have to comment - but just a username and password will be able to permit you to leave me some love! Hope you all had an AMAZING weekend and holiday!!

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