Sunday, January 23, 2011

1.  One of my best friends was home for the holidays.   I hadn't seen him in three years, which was the last time he was home.  He flew back to his other "home" this week.  Siiighh Would rather him stay here forever, but his life isn't here anymore.  But it was fun while it lasted.

2. So, now that the holidays are over.  I can be on a schedule with no interruptions!  Back to the gym full throttle starting tomorrow.  No more messing around.  I made it there twice this week, and I plan on living there for the next few months.

3. I've done A LOT of thinking this week.  Going through some sort of a "self" phase right now.  Working on "me".  I know who I am (I think).... I know what I want (I think).... I know where I wanta go (I think).... But I'm done having these small doubts about myself.  So these next few weeks or months, it's all about me.  Had to be reminded that I'm #1, I need to look out for me... and worry about me first. 

4. Had dinner and drinks with my "bestie since Kindergarten" on Thursday (Tristan). Okay.. it was one drink... and I'm the only one who drank. lol It was fun and so nice to go and just sit there and talk with her.  Definitely needs to happen more often, I just need to remember when in a public place, and am telling an intense story.. to keep my voice low... you never know who is sitting in the booth behind you. ;) haha

5.  Friday morning, I worked a half day and took off for the weekend to Lake Arrowhead with Ashley and her family.  Her mom rented a beauuuutiful cabin... It was Ash and I, her mom and two brothers, and one of her brothers' girlfriends.  Then her grandparents came up for the second night we were there.

Friday night we decided to go out and get pizza (this was the night her grandparents were NOT there).  There was a "super extra large pizza" which consisted of 32 slices.  Her mom thinking that it was a savings, we would get the SUPER pizza, and we'd have leftovers for later.  Her brothers then decided, no... lets finish it.  And we did. UUGGHGHH!! lol  Then we went back to the cabin and played Phase 10 till like 2am! Think it was a 4 hour game?? lol



6.  Saturday morning we were woken up that Ash's grandparents were on the way and we were meeting them for breakfast.  We ended up driving to the "village", and eating at a Belgian Waffle house.  I feel like all we did was eat this weekend! Majority of us got the Strawberry-Banana Royal.. can you say.. YUM?? Can you also say... gym?? LOL

After breakfast, we walked around all the little shops and the lake.  They fed the ducks and walked in the stores..  I mainly was on Ashleys iPhone trying to post up my "Quote of the Day" while everyone was looking through the shops.  It was a good distraction to avoid from spending any kind of money. lol I did get to enjoy a little wine tasting experience with Ashleys mom and her Grandpa.  He had stopped in a shop called Vino 100.  There were 4 different types of wine... a pinot grigio, a vino rosso, a cabernet, and a Portuguese red wine that we couldn't pronounce.  After doing that, I think I decided for my 25th birthday I want to rent a limo and go down to "wine country" and do some wine tasting. =)

Lake Arrowhead

After we left the village, we headed back to the cabin.. layed around, some took naps, some played games.  Then later decided to hit up a Mexican food restaurant for dinner, while Eric (Ashleys brother) ordered and ate about half of "The Monster".  The menu's description of the burrito was: Everything but the kitchen sink.

Holy Moly!!! LOL  And he only ate half of it...

7.  Now it's Sunday.. and I'm finally home.  Ash got sick over the weekend, and I started feeling it in my nose/head last night.. so I've been praying I wont get sick.  But it felt AMAZING to lay around on the couch all day and catch up and watch all of my shows on my DVR... ok, ALMOST all of my shows.  I think I still have some.. but I wanted to go to bed early... gym starts tomorrow morning.. bright and early... no wait, dark and early. UGGH! ;)

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