Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Every great decision creates ripples - like a huge boulder dropped in a lake.  The ripples merge, rebound off the banks in unforeseeable ways.  The heavier the decision, the larger the waves, the more uncertain the consequences."
-Ben Aaronvitch

So this week, all my quotes and topics have been about decision making.  Deciding with your heart vs. deciding with your head.  Making the right decision vs. making the wrong decision.  Having the choice to make a change, and having the power of how you react to the change.  Never had I thought about consequences, until a family member had commented on one of my posts... he said:

"Whenever someone makes a decision, its the right decision for that brief moment in time, for the person who made it. There are no bad decisions, but there are always consequences, and the question most have is not will I make a bad decision - the question is - can I live with the consequences or outcome of the decision?"

Why I hadn't thought of writing about consequences... I'm not sure.  I mean, I obviously have thought about what may take place and what may happen after a decision has been made - I do realize what I will lose or what I will gain.  I mean, the consequences of a decision is what we're most worried about right?  I think having to start living through the consequences after a decision is made- is how you base your opinion if you did the right thing or not.  I think if the consequences are fairly easy and manageable - we believe we did the right thing.  If they are hard, or harder than hard... we fear that we did the wrong thing.  That's where doubt and regret come in... but for that brief moment in time, you knew what would be better for YOU... you knew what had to be done, and you did it - but we don't see that right away, we just see.... the consequences that we have to face.  I don't think we'd really know if we did the right or wrong thing until years later when we look back to having make this decision and living through the consequences.  You'll look back and see what could have happened or what did happen.  You may regret it, or you may not.. but you're farther down the road and it's way too late to do anything about it if you do regret it.  All you can do is just go on with your life and accept how things worked out.
No matter the decision - I know it will be the right thing to do at that time - whether I regret it afterwards or not.  No matter the decision, there will be ripples, there will be consequences.  And either way, I have to live with whatever they may be and look to God, faith and hope to get me through the consequences, no matter if they are easy or hard. 

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