Tuesday, January 25, 2011

"Stress is simply the adaptation of our bodies and minds to change."
-Peter G. Hanson, M.D.

"Stress is the trash of modern life - we all generate it, but if you don't dispose of it properly... it will pile up and overtake your life."
-Danzae Pace

Not sure what it is today... but its either just as bad, or even worse than yesterday.  So when I said I was hoping for a "better and brighter tomorrow"... I really meant it.  I'm ready for this week to be O-V-E-R!!!

I can't really pinpoint exactly what is stressing me out.  There are a handful of issues/situations/problems... and I think I may just be overwhelmed, that I can't handle it all, or I feel like I can't handle it all.  These handful of situations are a mix of changes, possibilities, unknowns, and your normal "I'm over it" feeling.  And unfortunately, they're making me an emotional wreck (oh, and also throw in a cold and not feeling good).  And on top of it all, I know and I feel like I have to be strong... for myself.  I'm used to having to be strong for other people.  I'm used to being the glue to hold everyone together.  That I can do.  So why do I feel like I can't hold myself together?? 

I can't vent or break down to the one person I'm used to running to 24/7...which may have a lot more to do with my "mood" this week than I realize.  I can't push my problems to the side and pretend they're not there.  I can't walk into work and say "I'm done."  I can't take the easy road as much as I want to... I've promised to myself that I won't let me take that route.  Like I've said in previous posts... just trying to find my way in this crazy thing called life... and I gotta do it on my own.  Just didn't know and wasn't expecting to have to face everything I'm faced with all at the same time.  I've been trying to "put on my big girl panties, and get over it"... but its not as easy as I thought, and I feel is gonna take a little longer than I anticipated.  So to everyone who may come my way, I apologize in advance.  And to those questioning, no.. I'm not in my bitch mode.  But like I've said, I'm an emotional wreck.  So depending on the conversation and my stress level at that moment, you may get tears.  (My apologies to my boys @ work for this afternoon). lol

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