Thursday, January 13, 2011

"If your head tells you one thing, and your heart tells you another...before you do anything, you should first decide whether you have a better head or a better heart."
-Marilyn vos Savant
Makes sense. But how do you decipher which one is "better"? 
Not all decisions are you faced with choosing either to follow your head or follow your heart.  Most of the time, those matters are close to the heart (obviously).  It may be life changing, it may not change only your future... but the future of your family/friends, it may result in happiness... or could result in sadness, it may take you down a different path in life that you weren't expecting.
My head and my heart normally pull me in opposite directions when I'm faced with having to make a major decision.  I know what I need to do. My head knows it... but my heart always tells me to do otherwise - most of the time to hold on or go the other way, to fight for what I feel, for what it wants. But at some point, I realize that I know my head probably knows what's better for me and for my heart. My head knows the facts, but my heart feels the emotions. It's just the matter of convincing the heart to let go and give into your head.  So how do you convince your heart to let go of something that it obviously doesn't want to, or to follow through with the direction your head is saying to go?

This is a difficult task, especially for me.  One, because I over-analyze everything before I make a decision.  So a decision like this isn't made in an hour, or in a day.  I take weeks to really figure out what I'm doing.  Two, everything I do... I do it with heart.  I put my heart into EVERYTHING I do.. 100%.  So when I'm faced to follow my head or my heart... it almost feels impossible. I'm already spinning in circles.  Making a decision whether to listen to my heart or to my head... it breaks me down - how can I choose?  It's one of those "gets-inside-you-and-rips-you-apart" kinda feelings... probably the same kind of feeling you feel after you follow your head.  The same feeling after your heart loses the fight. Siiigh

Then, after you decide.. whether it's following your heart or your head...and you follow through and actually make the decision... You're faced with the one question that will most likely haunt you until you're completely over it and eventually become satisfied with your decision:

Did I do the right thing?

.... to be continued.

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