Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas was a little different this year... for me anyways. I was pretty much done with my Christmas shopping really early on, and for some reason didn't feel so much into the "Christmas spirit". I tried listening to Christmas music in the car to get me in the spirit, but that didn't help much. I'm thinking it might have been the lack of sleep the week - week and half before. There was probably 3-4 nights that I wasn't sleeping, and was pulling all nighters. Not so much fun. And did I mention how many batches of cake balls I made? Yuughh! (New word, remember?) I do regret not helping out decorating the tree and taking our normal "tree-hugging" pictures with Steph. I was there and watched, gotta give me some credit that I was present for the occasion (lol)... but I didn't hang up one ornament (I know, I know.. shame on me). It was easier to say no, since all of my ornaments were packed up somewhere, and Mom didn't realize she hadn't brought them down (it was my easy way out). But I did happen to agree to take the annual "siblings" pictures...

Christmas Day was fun as always though... we always manage to bring out the games (this year's fav was Blokus), a few of us are "photo whores" and take random funny pictures (was tryingto think of a more appropriate name, but couldn't think of any at the moment lol), and us cousins always end up having the WEIRDEST and most RANDOM conversations... ones that are probably not appropriate for the dinner table (e.g., coffins, debates on being cremated, and the cremation process) - DONT ASK!!

And of course... we had to take our newly annual Featherstun/Elder Family Picture! =)

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