Friday, January 14, 2011

... Continued from yesterday's post

I left with the question - "Did I make the right decision?"  I also questioned early on in the post - "How do you chose between your head and your heart?"  While looking for some peace of mind, some inspiration, I came across this quote:

"Make decisions from the heart and use your head to make it work out"
-Sir Girad

Thank you, Sir Girad, for telling me what to do (it seems like we always search for the answers in other people.. its easier for people to tell us what to do or what they they think we should do - rather than to just decide for ourselves).
Easy as pie! Right??

Yea... I'm not convinced that it's that easy.  I'm already starting to question...

What if I can't make it work out?
What if I feel stuck and feel even worse about the "situation" than I do now?
What if deciding with my heart makes things worse?
Or.. what if deciding with my heart ends up in heartbreak?

**..... I just had an "Ah-ha" moment.  I like to think of myself as an optimistic person.  But re-reading what I just said, I'm totally doubting following my heart.  Doubting may not be the right word... Questioning.  I'm questioning if my heart can make the right decision.  Hmm... this is a little unnerving, and a little upsetting.  I've sat here debating for the last couple days between following your head or your heart... and here I thought I was on 100% on the heart's side.... .**

Okay... forgetting Sir Girad (he gave me a headache), back to those who are still wondering, still faced with the question of whether you the made the right decision or not... I found this:

"In any moment of  decision - the BEST thing you can do is the right thing, the NEXT BEST thing is the wrong thing, and the WORST thing you can do... is nothing."
-Theodore Roosevelt

If by chance you made the wrong decision, which you'll never know if you did or not... you shouldn't waste time thinking/stressing about it.  If you did the right or the wrong thing - you did the BEST or the NEXT BEST thing.  Doing NOTHING is the worst thing you can do... it will most likely lead you no where but to the road of regret.  Regret for not doing something about it when you had the chance.  If you think about it... following your heart or following your head... doing the right thing or doing the wrong thing... all you're doing is changing your situation.  

Making a decision - is the first thing you decide to do to make a change.

..... to be continued... again. =)


Eldridge McFadden said...

A while back, I was told/heard/figured out something that I think about alot, and its this.

Everyone had decisions to make. Where to sleep, if to sleep, when to sleep, etc. Every moment of every day, a decision needs to be made. We know that.

Whenever someone makes a decision, its the Right decision for that brief moment in time, for the person who made it. There are no bad decisions, but there are Always Consequences, and the question most have is not will I make a bad decision - the question is - can I live with the Consequences or outcome of the decision?


Val said...

Is there a difference between "will" i make a bad decision, and "did" i make a bad decision? I don't think I'm worried that I "will" made a bad decision... but I am worried after making the decision that I will question "did" i do the wrong thing? But then I have to revert back to a couple posts ago.. I need to stop trying to control every situation and just let God take his course. But consequences... siiighh... you do have a point there. That is a good question... think that will be my topic tomorrow. Since its late, I'm only posting a quote and leaving my philosophical thoughts to myself lol

Eldridge McFadden said...

Hmm... good question.. "Will" intimates you may want to be able to see the future. (Something, I haven't figured out other than a funny feeling to go one way or to another - I've had more than a few instances, where I've been in a place and a short time later, someone came in and blew up at the people there.. I was glad I just left.. but I digress..)

Like you said in today's posting, "Did" you make a bad decision, may not be decided for years to come.

I'm glad you "get it!"

Val said...

Yea, unfortunately I "get it". But it doesn't make anything that much easier... and it doesdn't feel like its helping me. =/ I dont like being a grown up! lol I wanta go back to playing barbies, when boys had cooties, and the only thing i had to worry bout was helping mom with the dishes. lol

Eldridge McFadden said...

I know it doesn't, but its a different perspective.

-chuckle- As for not wanting to grow up, I can completely commiserate! (hey, 3Cs in a row... cool!) I still feel on the inside as I did as a young man (never had a hankering for playing with Barbies.. Transformers, yes (Few know, I collect two of the characters from the series (but not the primary characters) Indulge your childish whims, as long as they don't hurt anyone! (BTW.. girls/women STILL have cooties in my book, so they can in yours too..)