Sunday, January 16, 2011

1.  Last week I built my dresser and bed, and this week, I built my headboard.  I am officially DONE building furniture! Ugh.. many bruises and scratches later... Here is a few pics of my "finished" bedroom!

2.  Then my closet decided to collapse.  Ugh!  Soo.. dad had to fix it.  And after I put all my clothes back on (throwing some out and deciding to not hang my jeans in my closet anymore)... The pole started creaking and sounding like its gonna break again.  So... had to take allll my clothes out AGAIN... so dad can put up different brackets.  I dont anticipate my closet doing this again anytime soon.... HOPEFULLY

What it looked like when it collapsed...

What it looked like all on my bed...

3. After having my furniture done, and my closet fixed.  I decided I had to repaint some of the things in my room, and also add new pictures to all my frames.  So this was project number..... 3?? I lost count. =)

4.  So deciding that I needed a red pillow(s) for my bed/room, Missy and I went on a little random shopping spree - but instead we ended up looking at sunglasses, and trying on some RIDICULOUS looking hats. lol

5.  So some of you may know that I'm looking for a 2nd job - to work nights and weekends.  Friday I had a job interview at 24 Hour Fitness to work the Front Desk/Receptionist.  It was weird being in a "group interview" with 10 other people.  It's been awhile since I've been in one of those. lol  However, I did get a call later that day stating that I was not "chosen" for the 2nd interview.  It may be the fact that my hours of availability were 5-close and weekends, and they had stated they were looking for some with an "open" schedule.  Yea... not me.  lol  Plus, I think I was the only one in that interview that is already employed, so... I guess I'm okay with not getting the job. lol
6.  He'll probably get mad at me for this, but it was funny and sorta cute.  But I wont mention names.  But I took someone to get HIS first pedicure yesterday.  At first I thought he was joking about getting one, but there were no jokes.  So I took him to my place that I go to... mind you, I've gone to these ladies since highschool, and I've NEVER brought a guy with me... one of them shot me a look while we were there, so I'm sure they'll question me later. lol  But, never would I have thought he would be scared and nervous to get a pedicure.  It probably didn't help when we pulled up, all you see is women in the nail salon. haha  I do have to say, he was a trooper... ;) Luckily he had me there to talk his head off, but I did find the experience to be quite amusing. =)  I give him kudos though... I think all guys should get pedicures/manicures once in awhile... it doesnt hurt. ;)

7.  So, I'm trying to think of the last time I was at the movie theaters.  Oohh... I thought it was longer, but I was just there in November. lol  Yea, as much as I LOOVEE going to the movies - I either dont have time, dont have the money, or dont have anyone to go with.  I went and saw The Dilemma last night with the boys (for those who are questioning - I have 2 sets of boys... Bobby & Josh [for those wondering who they are, they are friends from work], and Sonny & Kris [most of you know who they are, but they've been around for years lol).  Okay, back to what I was saying... went and saw the movie with Bobby and Josh.  We missed the showing we wanted to see, so we walked around the Mills to kill time till the next movie.  I do have to say this - God has mysterious ways of placing people in your life.  Never would I have thought that these two boys and their friendship would mean so much to me... I knew we'd be friends, but not best of. ;)  They're always there, and I know I can always count on them.  I probably don't tell them enough, but I'm very grateful that they were placed in my life.  They're definitely keepers. =)

**I know its Sunday's SEVEN, but I added an extra one this week**
8.  Before my room... I was getting bored with my hair.  I was debating on what to do to change it up.  Then I got distracted with my room, so that put of the changing of the hair for a couple weeks... but now that I'm done... I'm back to my hair dilemma.  I'm thinking of changing the color, but I'm not 100% positive.  This is the closest picture I've found of how I want it...  I've done blonde, I've done dark-brown almost black (what it is now), Ive done the ugly medium brown btwn blonde and black (hated that)... I've never done a reddish tone.  We tried to do red highlights one time, but my hair was too dark, and the red color didn't show up at all... but it was a trial thing cause Laurie (my hairdresser) and I were scared. lol
But this, I like...


Kristopher said...

You mentioned me in your blog. I feel famous. The reason for this post is because I love that color. DO IT. You will not regret it.

Val said...

Awww... haha.. maybe not famous, but you should feel special. ;) And I think I am... =)