Thursday, December 30, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas was a little different this year... for me anyways. I was pretty much done with my Christmas shopping really early on, and for some reason didn't feel so much into the "Christmas spirit". I tried listening to Christmas music in the car to get me in the spirit, but that didn't help much. I'm thinking it might have been the lack of sleep the week - week and half before. There was probably 3-4 nights that I wasn't sleeping, and was pulling all nighters. Not so much fun. And did I mention how many batches of cake balls I made? Yuughh! (New word, remember?) I do regret not helping out decorating the tree and taking our normal "tree-hugging" pictures with Steph. I was there and watched, gotta give me some credit that I was present for the occasion (lol)... but I didn't hang up one ornament (I know, I know.. shame on me). It was easier to say no, since all of my ornaments were packed up somewhere, and Mom didn't realize she hadn't brought them down (it was my easy way out). But I did happen to agree to take the annual "siblings" pictures...

Christmas Day was fun as always though... we always manage to bring out the games (this year's fav was Blokus), a few of us are "photo whores" and take random funny pictures (was tryingto think of a more appropriate name, but couldn't think of any at the moment lol), and us cousins always end up having the WEIRDEST and most RANDOM conversations... ones that are probably not appropriate for the dinner table (e.g., coffins, debates on being cremated, and the cremation process) - DONT ASK!!

And of course... we had to take our newly annual Featherstun/Elder Family Picture! =)

Wednesday, December 29, 2010


Being that I haven't posted since... April 2009?!? I thought I'd quickly fill you in on the top 10 that's happened since then (not in any particular order). And mind you.. these are things that I can REMEMBER... bare with me since I'm digging back over a years' worth of memories. ;)

1. My mom was diagnose with Breast Cancer in December 2009. She's still battling it out, and doing great. I coordinated a team with Revlon last spring, and had amazing friends and friends of friends who joined the team! My mom even walked with us and finished! =)

2. Stephanie has recently gotten engaged! And fortunately and as strange as it is, her fiance totally fits in with the family!! =)

3. Robby is officially a U.S. Marine! He recently came back from boot camp before Thanksgiving and was home for a month. We just took him to Pendleton yesterday for his combat training.

4. I graduated from college..?? lol Looking at my lasts posts, that's all I was ranting and raving about was to finally be done! I graduated with my BA in Business Admin, with a concentration in Entrepreneurial Management. I then took a class at Cal Poly and have become certified as a Wedding Consultant. I've opened up my business, have my cards and brochures printed, and my website up! (

5. One of my besties got married in September, so the excitement of throwing the showers, bachelorette party and all the pre-wedding stuff was EXCITING!
She's now preggers with #2.. =)
(Feels like I've had friends having babies like no other this last year or so!)

6. I got a new car!! YAAAAAAAAAAAAY me!!!!! I feel like this is the first car that I actually WANTED.. everything down to the color. But of course, within a week of driving it... I would get rear-ended in traffic right? HAHA! After a month of dealing with the insurance companies, my bumper is brand spankin new... and I got a spoiler out of it.. for only $50!
Guess everything happens for a reason!

7. Crap... I need to think of 4 more.. umm... One of the besties (Ash) and myself take a lot of trips out to Vegas, and relocating out there has been in the works for the last couple of months. Career wise, it's a smart move for both of us. And given that we know each other way too well, and know each other's buttons and when to press them and when to lay off... who could make a better roomie?? =)

8. We had our family from Virgina come home to visit after years of not seeing them! It was so great to have them here, and for all of us "cousins" to spend time with each other! Also the bonding time with my aunt that I think was much needed was great... though I did put her to work helping me make invites as we "bonded". Haha! We also had a visit from my sister and my nieces, along with my brother, sis-in-law and nephew. They actually stayed at our house when they stayed here.. so waking up to 3 lil ones wanting to watch me get ready for work, talking bout my "sparkly booger"... was amazing! ;)

9. CAKE BALLS! TONS & TONS OF THEM SINCE AUGUST... that's all I gotta say! Yugghh! (That's my new word... Yuck and Ugh combined). As much as you all think they're yummy... the smell of cake, frosting and chocolate makes me wanta gag.. unless I'm making money. Hehe! ;)

10. WOOOHHOOO! Last one!! Tattoos... yes, unfortunately... I am addicted. I got my first one when I turned 18 (on my foot). Since April 2009, I have had the one on my foot redone, have added one onto the back of my shoulder, and have added one on both wrists. I told my parents, if any more are to come.. I promise the will not be visible! ;) But the last one I did, I took Robby to get his too!
Out of all the dramatic events that has happened (the 10 above), the new friends
I have made (school, work, etc.), old friends and distant family I have reconnected with, the time spent with the people I love, the time I wish I could get back, all of the memories.. good, bad, or ones I simply can't remember... I wouldn't have changed A THING! 2010 was a good year... though I think I'm voting for a better ending... I'm blessed by having family and friends who love me, support me and would do ANYTHING for me. I'm hoping for 2011 to be EVEN BETTER!
Ive tried to find pictures from all the "events" I talked about about.. enjoy catching up!! =)