Sunday, November 16, 2008

So its been awhile..again and I apologize. Im always on the computer, but never have enough time to sit down and blog. My classes are getting crazier and crazier, work is.. well.. work.. and I've also been catering... So Ive posted some pics from Halloween. We all went down to Hollywood, and stayed at a hotel over there to avoid traffic and driving back late. Down in Santa Monica, they close down the streets, and everyone just walks around and hangs out. Well... we got stuck in so much traffic, after we got off the exit, it took us about 3 hours to get to our hotel room to get ready.. so by the time we were all ready... it wasnt worth it going over there. So we walked down Hollywood Blvd - it was crazy. All you see is all these people walking down the street in crazy costumes. All of us girls were in pain wearing heels.. so we had decided to take a taxi. That didn't work so well.. cause people were walking faster than our taxi was moving. haha! We got out, started walking some more... and the clubs were about to close in a couple hours.. so some of us, including myself.. called it quits and walked back to the hotel. I think I walked about 10 miles that night... it was insane. I got quite a work out though!! =)

Here's some more pics.. more recent. This past Wednesday.. a friend of mine that I have 2 classes with this quarter.. talked me into going to a school event. Mind you.. out of the 5 years Ive been attending school.. I have never participated in anything to do with school. I go to school, and go home. Thats it. lol One of our teachers is the President of the Entreprenuership program at school.. and there was a huge awards night on Wednesday. In this class we had to submit a 90-second fast pitch for an idea we had to come up with.. either a product or a business. We all had to enter in the competition. (exciting, but scary at the same time). They chose 15 semi-finalist.. and there were 5 people who were chosen out of the 25 people in our class. Then they chose 5 finalist who were going to submit their pitch in front of investors, and the other 500 people at this event on Wednesday. 3 of those finalist were from our class. So the event was more interesting and entertaining since our classmates were participating. Myself, and 2 other girls met up with a guy from our class, and he drove all of us to the Riverside Convention Center... we went formally dressed, and a nice dinner and wine.. (which was weird, cause Im used to working these events!)... then afterwards all hung out at a local restaurant. It was really nice hanging out with a different crowd... we all had so much fun, we all want to go out more often. I have to tell you though... it was really nice having the guys pick up the tab.. something Im obviously not used too. Haha! Oh.. and by the way.. the winner of the competition won $4000, the second place won $3000... and third place won $1000... our classmates won first and second place.. which was exciting. =)


Megan said...

Hey Valerie....
tiff and me were thinking about going to see twilight on monday... tiff is getting back at 2am monday morning so we will see if \she is up to it.. well talk to you later!!

Megan said...

hey... that sounds great i will tell tiffany when she wakes up:P its 10:30 and she is still snoozing!! haha but anyways that sounds great... i'll talk to you later!!