Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So.. its been awhile since I've blogged. I've been SUPER busy!!! I work Mon, Wed & Fri full days.. then I tried Tues and Thurs from working 7-11.. and then taking 4 classes after work... at 12, 2, 4, and 6pm. Im taking Macroeconomics, the second part to Finance, Small Business Management, and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis. The last couple of weeks Ive also work a day on the weekend catering. The end of last week I finally admitted to myself that I cant do and fit EVERYTHING into my schedule. If only we had one more day included on the weekend, I'd be fine! So.. starting this week I was going to start taking Thursdays off. I only work 4 hours in the morning... so I wouldnt be missing much hours. But with all the homework and projects I've been assigned, I haven't been able to get up early enough to get to work on time!! =/ But today... I totally enjoyed myself! I got a phone call this morning, that I had the day off of work cause we had a power outage. First I was kind of upset, cause I'm missing 8 hours of work! Then I got over it.. and got sooo much done today! I went to Target and got shoes for my Halloween outfit, I went over to the Chino Hills mall to look for some accessories, I met up with Ash for coffee, met Cindy at Carls Jr to give her some MK stuff, went and got a pedi, then picked up Ash and went and had a full body massage. (complimentary from our friend Lauren - we got thank you gift cards for helping throw her baby shower). This day was absolutely needed!! Only thing I coulda done was slept in a lil longer. lol But Im actually gonna try to head to bed early tonight... im still EXHAUSTED! I'll try to keep you all posted more often! =)


Cindylou said...

It was sooo fun to see you at lunch too :) And you made some money from my friends. It would be nice to see you more often. Graduate from college already and maybe you'll have some free time. Just kidding!! There's also more to do! I vote for 4 day work weeks and 3 day weekends. Or 3 day work weeks and 4 day weekends :)

T-Roo said...

Hey! I am so for a cousin night out! That sounds like a whole lot of fun! Just let me know when so i can clear my schedule! hehe

Cindylou said...

How dare you suggest that place!!! Take her somewhere with good yogurt!

T-Roo said...

Sounds like a lot of fun! But i checked my schedule (that's sounds weird, like business-like. lol) Anyhoo, i am leaving for a band competition that morning at 7 30 and i am not returning until early, early Monday morning! UGH!!!

Megan said...

Hey! cousin night out sounds cool!! hey and no worries my schedule is open for lets see... forever!! talk to you later!

Anonymous said...

nice blog. road to richies.