Monday, August 4, 2008

Palm Springs

So I had the luxury of taking work off on Friday and went to Palm Springs with Ashley and her whole entire family, and then Sonny and Kristopher came too. Minus the fact that it was 112 degrees... and whatever humidity (it was horrid!)... we had a pretty good time. Got there Friday afternoon... went to happy hour with her family... and stayed in Friday night... then Saturday woke up, had breakfast and was out by the pool all day... then went to happy hour again.. then headed out to Las Consuelas.. (yum!!!)... we were back in the room at 10:30!! We were all sooo tired and full that we didn't want to stay out... find out the next morning.. Ashleys grandparents were out there at Las Consuelas about midnight looking for us... they were out later than we were!!! haha We had some funny times though... a lot of videos I'm waiting for Ashley to post up on YouTube... they are all of Kristopher... he's pretty much hilarious and he knows it. So Sunday, we layed out by the pool... Kristopher was able to lie to the front desk at midnight Saturday night and said we were out late, and the guy was laughing at gave us a late check-out.. 3pm!!! Ashleys grandparents tried to get a late check-out for 2pm and they were gonna charge them like $60!! We were lucky! haha.. So after the pool.. took a quick shower, and headed out to Las Consuelas.. AGAIN!!!! It was sooo good... but horrible at the same time. Knowing the Las Consuelas x2 was not included in my diet!! "I'm on vacation" was my excuse of the weekend! Ugh!! haha.. We stopped by Cabazon.. but we were all so tired, we just wanted to come home!!!! Here's a few pix.. I'll try to get the videos and put a few of them on.. I'm not on any of em'.. but I'm sure you can hear my 'obnoxious' laugh.. ;)

Janayle (Ashleys cousin), Ashley, Alexis (Ashley's brother's gf), and me!

My amigas!! ;)

We have fun.. even in the car! lol

The group @ the Mexican Restaraunt

I love these boys... Kris, Me & Sonny

Haha.. we're just dorks!

This might be the best picture we've ever taken.. and he looks like he's gonna pass gas. ;)

Too much sun = exhaustion!!

1 comment:

Cindylou said...

Oh... I'm so jealous! I miss Palm Springs. Too bad you don't even know the name of the restaurant you were at. It's Las Casuelas!! And you go there like every time you go to Palm Springs. I've been to all 4 of them, I LOVE their food. We even went together once.. remember? lol