Monday, July 21, 2008


i prefer Val over Valerie. i would be NOTHING without my family. my friends rock my world. i mean every word i say. im very outgoing & outspoken. i do everything with heart. i love the beach. i'm obsessed with frozen yogurt. i love anything thats pink & that glitters. my favorite flowers are stargazer lilys. i can't remember life without text messaging. im obsessed with shoes; handbags, sunglasses... umm i'm sure there's more. i hate liars & backstabbers. im a busy girl & its overwheleming @ times. i will have my BA in entrepreneurial management next June. i cant wait to start my life doing what i want to do. i hate to say it - but most times, it's my way or the highway. i believe you have to work for what you want. i have goals for myself, & my life. im one of those anal people who likes everything planned out. i'm a strong believer of fate, everything happens for a reason. "he" is out there somewhere, just haven't found him yet. either you love me or you don't - it's really that simple.


Cindylou said...

YEAH!!!!!! I'm the first to comment you!!!! That means I'm the best aunt in the world!! Let's take a new pic please!!!!!

ednjean said...

Keep up the good work...I'm enjoying the picts And music!