Sunday, November 16, 2008

So its been awhile..again and I apologize. Im always on the computer, but never have enough time to sit down and blog. My classes are getting crazier and crazier, work is.. well.. work.. and I've also been catering... So Ive posted some pics from Halloween. We all went down to Hollywood, and stayed at a hotel over there to avoid traffic and driving back late. Down in Santa Monica, they close down the streets, and everyone just walks around and hangs out. Well... we got stuck in so much traffic, after we got off the exit, it took us about 3 hours to get to our hotel room to get ready.. so by the time we were all ready... it wasnt worth it going over there. So we walked down Hollywood Blvd - it was crazy. All you see is all these people walking down the street in crazy costumes. All of us girls were in pain wearing heels.. so we had decided to take a taxi. That didn't work so well.. cause people were walking faster than our taxi was moving. haha! We got out, started walking some more... and the clubs were about to close in a couple hours.. so some of us, including myself.. called it quits and walked back to the hotel. I think I walked about 10 miles that night... it was insane. I got quite a work out though!! =)

Here's some more pics.. more recent. This past Wednesday.. a friend of mine that I have 2 classes with this quarter.. talked me into going to a school event. Mind you.. out of the 5 years Ive been attending school.. I have never participated in anything to do with school. I go to school, and go home. Thats it. lol One of our teachers is the President of the Entreprenuership program at school.. and there was a huge awards night on Wednesday. In this class we had to submit a 90-second fast pitch for an idea we had to come up with.. either a product or a business. We all had to enter in the competition. (exciting, but scary at the same time). They chose 15 semi-finalist.. and there were 5 people who were chosen out of the 25 people in our class. Then they chose 5 finalist who were going to submit their pitch in front of investors, and the other 500 people at this event on Wednesday. 3 of those finalist were from our class. So the event was more interesting and entertaining since our classmates were participating. Myself, and 2 other girls met up with a guy from our class, and he drove all of us to the Riverside Convention Center... we went formally dressed, and a nice dinner and wine.. (which was weird, cause Im used to working these events!)... then afterwards all hung out at a local restaurant. It was really nice hanging out with a different crowd... we all had so much fun, we all want to go out more often. I have to tell you though... it was really nice having the guys pick up the tab.. something Im obviously not used too. Haha! Oh.. and by the way.. the winner of the competition won $4000, the second place won $3000... and third place won $1000... our classmates won first and second place.. which was exciting. =)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

So.. its been awhile since I've blogged. I've been SUPER busy!!! I work Mon, Wed & Fri full days.. then I tried Tues and Thurs from working 7-11.. and then taking 4 classes after work... at 12, 2, 4, and 6pm. Im taking Macroeconomics, the second part to Finance, Small Business Management, and Entrepreneurial Opportunity Analysis. The last couple of weeks Ive also work a day on the weekend catering. The end of last week I finally admitted to myself that I cant do and fit EVERYTHING into my schedule. If only we had one more day included on the weekend, I'd be fine! So.. starting this week I was going to start taking Thursdays off. I only work 4 hours in the morning... so I wouldnt be missing much hours. But with all the homework and projects I've been assigned, I haven't been able to get up early enough to get to work on time!! =/ But today... I totally enjoyed myself! I got a phone call this morning, that I had the day off of work cause we had a power outage. First I was kind of upset, cause I'm missing 8 hours of work! Then I got over it.. and got sooo much done today! I went to Target and got shoes for my Halloween outfit, I went over to the Chino Hills mall to look for some accessories, I met up with Ash for coffee, met Cindy at Carls Jr to give her some MK stuff, went and got a pedi, then picked up Ash and went and had a full body massage. (complimentary from our friend Lauren - we got thank you gift cards for helping throw her baby shower). This day was absolutely needed!! Only thing I coulda done was slept in a lil longer. lol But Im actually gonna try to head to bed early tonight... im still EXHAUSTED! I'll try to keep you all posted more often! =)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

i <3 september!!!

So yet another year has come and gone...and now I'm 22!! Geeez, feels like time is flying by!! So I have the most wonderful friends ever. My besties through me a surprise party Friday night, Saturday night I had planned to go to dinner and go have a couple drinks, Sunday was our family party, and Monday was my actual birthday!! By the time Monday afternoon rolled around, I wanted it to be OVER! lol It was such a long weekend, and no sleep. (yes, yes... my fault.. I know!!) I think I've received the last of my bday gifts today.. Jac sent me some cookie lee jewelry, and Brandon sent me a bouquet of my favorite flowers... I'll have to repost a picture of them after they all bloom!!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


So since my mother doesn't post anything on her blog.. I might as well tell you and show you our Palm Springs and Lake Isabella trips.

Palm Springs was the middle of August. It was super hott, and as you can tell by the pics.. we all got color. Dad got so red, by the end of the trip he couldn't even step out into the sun! Haha!

Our next trip was Lake Isabella. Sadly, Steph didn't come with us this trip, she had to work (her last day @ Tools R Us) It was very sad. Some pics were taken off my phone that I had sent to Steph showing her our campsite, and how much Missy and I were missing her. After sending the pics to her, she said it was making it worse and she was gonna cry. We've never gone camping without someone.. being honest... it wasnt the same without you Steph!! We set up everything, and then Cindy and Brian decide to show up later on, after we slaved away in the heat. Haha! Actually.. we ALL didnt slave.. I sat there sweating watching Robby slave. HAHAHAHA..quite funny. Anywho.. we went to the lake and rent a boat Saturday morning.. then went to the river afterwards. It was a pretty fun trip, no matter how hott it was. But by Sunday morning, WE ALL couldnt wait to get home!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008


Wow.. I havent blogged in what feels like forever!! Maybe cause I haven't really done anything interesting... umm.. okay jk.. I lied. I've been to palm springs a few times, went camping... umm can't think of anything else. I'm on vacation this week.. and let me tell ya.. it feels SO GOOD to not have to do anything. I started my week vacation early on Friday. I flew out to Arizona for the weekend to visit my good friend Jackie and her hubby Jeff. I've gone out there a few times, they always open their home up for me when I feel like I need a 'getta-way'. We had a great time.. we hit up the Cookie Lee store on Saturday, and walked the Tempe mall. After that came back to the house and lounged around in the pool. We went out Sat night for some Mexican food... then Sunday lounged around again.

All in all I had a great time!! =) Thanks to the Doumas for a great weekend to start off my vaca!! Love ya both!!

To explain some of the pix... We were lounging in the pool in her rafts, and Jac had to go inside. So here I am.. reading my book floating, when all of a sudden I hear a loud hissing sound, and realize that my raft is sinking (after Jac yells to me.. "YOUR SINKING!!") lol I was more worried about my book, obviously... (These Twilight books are addicting! I just finished the 3rd book and hit up Target last night at 10pm to buy the 4th one!) Haha. Anywho.. so my raft had hit the side of the pull and unplugged the little plastic thing, and thats why I started sinking. So of course Jac had to go get her camera! As for the homeless looking pics.. my friend Jackie is a great cook! And she loves cooking! So a few days before I went out there, she's asking me and trying to figure out what she should cook for dinner. She asks me if Chilli is okay for Sunday's dinner... My response? "UHH isn't it too HOTT to eat Chilli?" (Cause its a lil over 100 degrees out there..) Her response... "I'll turn on the air conditioning down to 50 so you can wear a beanie and scarf.." Soo.. no she didn't turn the air down, but she did find her winter accessories for me to wear.. after looking at the pics.. it doesn't look like its cold out and we're eating chilli, I actually just look like a homeless person she took in for the weekend! ;)

Sunday, August 10, 2008

80s Weekend

A friend of mine had her 23rd birthday this weekend - - back to the 80s!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Palm Springs

So I had the luxury of taking work off on Friday and went to Palm Springs with Ashley and her whole entire family, and then Sonny and Kristopher came too. Minus the fact that it was 112 degrees... and whatever humidity (it was horrid!)... we had a pretty good time. Got there Friday afternoon... went to happy hour with her family... and stayed in Friday night... then Saturday woke up, had breakfast and was out by the pool all day... then went to happy hour again.. then headed out to Las Consuelas.. (yum!!!)... we were back in the room at 10:30!! We were all sooo tired and full that we didn't want to stay out... find out the next morning.. Ashleys grandparents were out there at Las Consuelas about midnight looking for us... they were out later than we were!!! haha We had some funny times though... a lot of videos I'm waiting for Ashley to post up on YouTube... they are all of Kristopher... he's pretty much hilarious and he knows it. So Sunday, we layed out by the pool... Kristopher was able to lie to the front desk at midnight Saturday night and said we were out late, and the guy was laughing at gave us a late check-out.. 3pm!!! Ashleys grandparents tried to get a late check-out for 2pm and they were gonna charge them like $60!! We were lucky! haha.. So after the pool.. took a quick shower, and headed out to Las Consuelas.. AGAIN!!!! It was sooo good... but horrible at the same time. Knowing the Las Consuelas x2 was not included in my diet!! "I'm on vacation" was my excuse of the weekend! Ugh!! haha.. We stopped by Cabazon.. but we were all so tired, we just wanted to come home!!!! Here's a few pix.. I'll try to get the videos and put a few of them on.. I'm not on any of em'.. but I'm sure you can hear my 'obnoxious' laugh.. ;)

Janayle (Ashleys cousin), Ashley, Alexis (Ashley's brother's gf), and me!

My amigas!! ;)

We have fun.. even in the car! lol

The group @ the Mexican Restaraunt

I love these boys... Kris, Me & Sonny

Haha.. we're just dorks!

This might be the best picture we've ever taken.. and he looks like he's gonna pass gas. ;)

Too much sun = exhaustion!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Catering & Pooped! ;)

Okay... so I think I may be getting addicted to this blog thing. It's just as bad as myspace. It's midnight... just got home from catering a wedding and working 12 hours... and first thing I do is heat up some leftover pasta I brought home (no no #1) - come on the computer (no no #2).. when I should be showering and getting to bed, cause I gotta do the same thing over tomorrow afternoon/night. But I just wanted to say that I love how people are actually comment my blogs! lol I haven't had a good chance to sit down and comment you guys.. give me some time. =) But.. I gotta go shower.. my face feels so gross (i think i sweated all my make-up within the first hour of being there.. we had to set up the whole reception area in a backyard, and mind you that this lady's house was multi-leveled.. so up and down flights of stairs all day.. killer!) My legs are throbbing, and as soon as I took of my flats my feet swelled up.. lmao.. so I think its time to get to bed! ;) Thank god I didn't go the the gym today, and I don't think Im going tomorrow either! No thanks!!! Talk to you all soon! Night!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Short Hair...

So since you guys are all family.. (most of you).. if not... we're such close friends that I consider you family... so I dont mind posting this awful pix. haha ;) So... a few weeks ago.. I experienced what my hair would look like if I went to bed with it wet. I woke up the next morning, I woke up laughing hysterically. And so did everyone else who was at home and saw me! I guess no matter how short my hair is... its still curly!!! =]

Monday, July 21, 2008


i prefer Val over Valerie. i would be NOTHING without my family. my friends rock my world. i mean every word i say. im very outgoing & outspoken. i do everything with heart. i love the beach. i'm obsessed with frozen yogurt. i love anything thats pink & that glitters. my favorite flowers are stargazer lilys. i can't remember life without text messaging. im obsessed with shoes; handbags, sunglasses... umm i'm sure there's more. i hate liars & backstabbers. im a busy girl & its overwheleming @ times. i will have my BA in entrepreneurial management next June. i cant wait to start my life doing what i want to do. i hate to say it - but most times, it's my way or the highway. i believe you have to work for what you want. i have goals for myself, & my life. im one of those anal people who likes everything planned out. i'm a strong believer of fate, everything happens for a reason. "he" is out there somewhere, just haven't found him yet. either you love me or you don't - it's really that simple.