Sunday, July 27, 2008

Catering & Pooped! ;)

Okay... so I think I may be getting addicted to this blog thing. It's just as bad as myspace. It's midnight... just got home from catering a wedding and working 12 hours... and first thing I do is heat up some leftover pasta I brought home (no no #1) - come on the computer (no no #2).. when I should be showering and getting to bed, cause I gotta do the same thing over tomorrow afternoon/night. But I just wanted to say that I love how people are actually comment my blogs! lol I haven't had a good chance to sit down and comment you guys.. give me some time. =) But.. I gotta go shower.. my face feels so gross (i think i sweated all my make-up within the first hour of being there.. we had to set up the whole reception area in a backyard, and mind you that this lady's house was multi-leveled.. so up and down flights of stairs all day.. killer!) My legs are throbbing, and as soon as I took of my flats my feet swelled up.. lmao.. so I think its time to get to bed! ;) Thank god I didn't go the the gym today, and I don't think Im going tomorrow either! No thanks!!! Talk to you all soon! Night!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

Short Hair...

So since you guys are all family.. (most of you).. if not... we're such close friends that I consider you family... so I dont mind posting this awful pix. haha ;) So... a few weeks ago.. I experienced what my hair would look like if I went to bed with it wet. I woke up the next morning, I woke up laughing hysterically. And so did everyone else who was at home and saw me! I guess no matter how short my hair is... its still curly!!! =]

Monday, July 21, 2008


i prefer Val over Valerie. i would be NOTHING without my family. my friends rock my world. i mean every word i say. im very outgoing & outspoken. i do everything with heart. i love the beach. i'm obsessed with frozen yogurt. i love anything thats pink & that glitters. my favorite flowers are stargazer lilys. i can't remember life without text messaging. im obsessed with shoes; handbags, sunglasses... umm i'm sure there's more. i hate liars & backstabbers. im a busy girl & its overwheleming @ times. i will have my BA in entrepreneurial management next June. i cant wait to start my life doing what i want to do. i hate to say it - but most times, it's my way or the highway. i believe you have to work for what you want. i have goals for myself, & my life. im one of those anal people who likes everything planned out. i'm a strong believer of fate, everything happens for a reason. "he" is out there somewhere, just haven't found him yet. either you love me or you don't - it's really that simple.